
Kids taking the Swan Lake Pledge (Photo Courtesy of E. Zawadzka)

Swan Lake Nature Study Area was developed into an outdoor classroom where everyone can learn about the various species, ecological processes, and become a naturalist.  In fact, education is one of the top priorities and functions for the Advisory Board.  

The following is a list of the identified educational objectives for Swan Lake: 
  • Use the Horse Creek educational facility as a center of interpretation and program instruction.
  • Develop a liberal arts (music, art) program for use at the SLNSA.
  • Develop a science program, including citizen science.
  • Encourage community experts to incorporate SLNSA into education programs.
  • Provide volunteer leadership for community excursions.
  • Use monitoring activities as an opportunity for personal interaction between resource professionals, skilled amateurs, and interested students.
  • Develop a high school program for SLNSA to serve as an outdoor education classroom for service learning.
  • Provide basic monitoring skills and materials to students interested in citizen science.
  • Organize an annual SLNSA art contest culminating at the annual May Clean-Up. Create annual calendar using the art submissions.

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